Quick changes need quick development!

Digitization, globalization, innovation require executives to get results within shortest time.
This happens thanks to a quick change of oneself and of companies.

Rapid development happens through the willingness and the ability to change

We have developed an independent methodology that revolutionizes current practice and is used worldwide- successfully.
The basis consists of quick and reliable changes of thinking and acting patterns, mindset and character.
Sustainable leadership makes executives successful and leads to better results concerning the company.

Future starts

To implement the development of sustainable leadership worldwide and at any time, a software, developed for this reason, helps you to implement the program future anywhere and at any time.



Our customers are companies of all branches and sizes:

Every company has its own special requirements to develop executives. Our corporate customers include WMF, Kurtz Ersa, Bosch ITC Engineering and Fasihi GmbH.

success stories

We are a very successful, growing company. Prof. Dr. W. Mödinger supports successfully the further development of our executives. Therefore, he uses his program Zukunft führen (lead the future).
Together with him, we build the Fasihi Academy which will secure our business success for the future.

Said Fasihi
entrepreneur, owner of the Fasihi GmbH, Ludwigshafen
and winner of the Großer Preis des Mittelstandes
(Grand Prize of the middle class)

The „Leading the Future“ program
offered the chance to analyse, review and improve the leading abilities of our management team. The applied method was customized to our needs without loosing the structure and characteristics of the proven process. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Moedinger’s flexible, detail and resultorientated consultation even the physical distance between Germany and China did not jeopardize the progress of the program.

Hans Nasemann
CEO WMF Consumer Goods Co., Ltd

The Programm Zukuft führen (program lead the future)
by Prf. Dr. W. Mödinger was a strong impulse for the development and implementation of the Hammer Academy at Kurtz Holding. Therefore, we were able to involve a certificate study for a large number of our offers for our executives. Moreover, in 2016, we were honored with the HR Excellence Awards.

Verena A. Bartschat
deputy director of the HR management
Kurtz Ersa Kreuzwertheim


Any questions?

Then simply send an email to moedinger@leadingthefuture.eu.
We are glad to be here for you.

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